I found a new website on Friday that I'm going to use for my #Made4Math submission (and this is just a total coincidence because it's a Monday and I was typing this today!).
I've been keeping track of students who don't turn in assignments using
Hedge's SWHHW form. But after having the students fill out the quarter-sheet piece of paper, I wasn't sure what to do with them. I'd been throwing them in a little crate with the idea of one day sorting them to go so I could talk with parents at conferences about why their son/daughter wasn't doing their homework. But you all know they were never going to get organized!

Until I saw an app called
Three Ring. It's billed as an app to "Quickly and easily digitize student work and build the resource for authentic assessment in your classroom." I guess you could use it to take pictures or videos of student work/performances so you have evidence? Anyway, I'm using it to take pictures of each of the forms the kids fill out (using my iPad, but I think you could do it on your phone, too), and then I can assign it to an individual student (or class, if necessary). It's searchable by student or class.
Awesome idea! I was doing a similar thing with the notes, but saving the pictures in Evernote (1 note per student, tagged with the class name), but I was worried about my Evernote getting cluttered. This sounds perfect!
@Anna - Glad I found something that might help someone else, too! I'm really liking Three Ring so far. :)
This looks really cool - I shared this post with some of my colleagues :) Thanks so much!
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